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Korean Folk Tales Part _ 2

조선 중기, 임방과 이륙 선생에 의해 기록된 한국의 옛날 이야기들을 한국을 사랑했던 선교사 James S. Gale에 의해 영어로 다시 옮겨졌습니다. 전우치가 두려워했던 '창 도령,' '물고기가 된 노인' 등의 이야기를 비롯하여 우리에게도 생소하지만 재미있는 우리의 이야기들이 담겨 있습니다. To any one who would like to look somewhat into the inner soul of the Oriental, and see the peculiar spiritual existences among which he lives, the following stories will serve as true interpreters, born as they are of the three gre..
조선 중기, 임방과 이륙 선생에 의해 기록된 한국의 옛날 이야기들을 한국을 사랑했던 선교사 James S. Gale에 의해 영어로 다시 옮겨졌습니다. 전우치가 두려워했던 '창 도령,' '물고기가 된 노인' 등의 이야기를 비롯하여 우리에게도 생소하지만 재미있는 우리의 이야기들이 담겨 있습니다.

To any one who would like to look somewhat into the inner soul of the Oriental, and see the peculiar spiritual existences among which he lives, the following stories will serve as true interpreters, born as they are of the three great religions of the Far East, Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

An old manuscript copy of Im Bang's stories came into the hands of the translator, and he gives them now to the Western world that they may serve as introductory essays to the mysteries, and, what many call, absurdities of Asia. Very gruesome indeed, and unlovely, some of them are, but they picture faithfully the conditions under which Im Bang himself, and many past generations of Koreans, have lived.

The thirteen short stories by Yi Ryuk are taken from a reprint of old Korean writings issued in 1911. Three anonymous stories are also added, "The Geomancer," to show how Mother Earth has given anxiety to her chicks of children; "Im, the Hunter," to tell of the actualities that exist in the upper air; and "The Man who lost his Legs," as a sample of Korea's Sinbad.

The biographical notes that accompany the stories are taken very largely from the Kuk-cho In-mul-chi, "Korea's Record of Famous Men."

IM BANG was born in 1640, the son of a provincial governor. He was very bright as a boy and from earliest years fond of study, becoming a great scholar. He matriculated first in his class in 1660, and graduated in 1663. He was a disciple of Song Si-yol, one of Korea's first writers. In 1719, when he was in his eightieth year, he became governor of Seoul, and held as well the office of secretary of the Cabinet. In the year 1721 he got into difficulties over the choice of the Heir Apparent, and in 1722, on account of a part he played in a disturbance in the government, he was exiled to North Korea, where he died.
(From Kuk-cho In-mul-chi, “Korea’s Record of Famous Men.")

YI RYUK lived in the reign of King Se-jo, matriculated in 1459, and graduated first in his class in 1564. He was a man of many offices and many distinctions in the way of literary excellence.
"Korea’s Record of Famous Men."

James S. Gale (1863~1937) was a Canadian Presbyterian missionary, educator and Bible translator in Korea.

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